
Junior Research Group
"Complex Ground States of Disordered Systems"


To call someone: dial ++49 (0) 551 39- followed by the extension given below.
To email to someone append "@theorie.physik.uni-goettingen.de" to the names given below.
Name Room Phone Email
Bernd Dr. Bernd Burghardt A 04 107 7684 burghard
Alex Dr. Alexander K. Hartmann A 04 108 5995 hartmann
Alexander Alexander Mann A 02 113B 13404 mann
Kristian Kristian Marx A 02 113A 13304 marx
Bernd Oliver Melchert A 04 124 2067 melchert
Stefan Stefan Wolfsheimer A 04 125 7694 wolfsh
Taha Taha Yasseri A 04 125 7694 yasseri

Former Members

Name Affiliation
Carlo Dr. Carlo Amoruso University of Rome II
Wolfgang Dr. Wolfgang Barthel University of Göttingen
Magnus Magnus Jungsbluth metaException OHG
Alejandro Alejandro Morales Gallardo Max-Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization , Göttingen
Emmanuel Dr. Emmanuel Oluwole Yewande Manchester Metropolitan University
Martin Martin Zumsande Max-Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden

Alexander K. Hartmann, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Göttingen, Germany
Last modified: Wed Oct 24 17:58:51 CEST 2007