
Junior Research Group
"Complex Ground States of Disordered Systems"


Name Location Dates Talk
Prof. Dr. Peter Hänngi Universität Augsburg Aachen 15/1/07 How Brownian motion rules manipulation and transport on the nanoscale
Prof. Dr. Walter Selke RWTH Aachen 21/12/06 The critical Binder cumulant in two-dimensional Ising models
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hansmann Forschungszentrum Juelich 5/12/06 Simulation of Proteins and Protein Interactions
Prof. Dr. Jens Timmer Universität Freiburg 21/11/06 Design Principles of a Bacterial Signalling Network, movie
Prof. Dr. Joachim Krug Universität zu Köln 14/7/06 Strukturbildung und nichtlinear Dynamik auf kristallinen Oberflächen (SFB)
Dr. Sven Rahmann Universität Bielefeld 26/4/06 Random weighted strings and weighted HMMs: Computation of cleavage fragment statistics in mass spectrometry
JProf. Dr. Dirk Metzler Universität Frankfurt 10/4/06 Predicting RNA Secondary Structures with Pseudoknots by MCMC Sampling
Dr. Helmut G. Katzgraber ETH Zürich 24/1/06-25/1/06 Equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of spin glasses in a field
PD Dr. Stephan Mertens Universität Magdeburg 19/1/06 The manufacturing of randomness -- art or science
Prof. Dr. Paul Tavan Universität München (LMU) 23/11/05 Extracting Markov Models of Peptide Conformational Dynamics from Simulation Data
Dr. Wolfgang Wenzel Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe 22/11/05 Biomelucular structure prediction using stochastic optimization methods: from the sequenz to the drug.
Prof. Dr. Udo Seifert Universität Stuttgart 7/11/05 Fluctuation theorems, Jarzynski relation and non-equilibrium entropy
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Dieterich Universität Konstanz 3/11/05 Stochastic models for ion dynamic in complex systems
Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Hoffmann Technische Universität Chemnitz 20-21/10/05 Spinglas-Dynamics and stochastical Optimization
Dr. Mikko Alava Helsinki University of Technology 11/10/05 Quantum annealing and the random field Ising model
Dr. Satya Majumdar Université Paris Sud 7/7/05 Understanding Search Trees via Statistical Physics
Prof. Dr. Joachim Stolze Universität Dortmund 7/6/05 Quanteninformationstransport in Spinketten
Prof. Dr. Armin Bunde Universität Gießen 31/5/05 Long-term Correlations in Nature
Dipl. Phys. Stefan Wolfsheimer Universität Mainz 3-4/5/05 Monte-Carlo study of the isotropic-nematic interface in anisotropic colloidal suspersions
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kinzel Universität Würzburg 26/4/05 Generating Secrets over public channels
Dr. Thomas Stützle Technische Universität Darmstadt 20/4/05 Ant Colony Optimization
Prof. Dr. Burkhard Morgenstern Universität Göttingen 16/3/05 Multiple Sequence Alignments
Dr. Johannes Berg Universität zu Köln 8/2/05-9/2/05 Graph Alignment in Biological Networks
Prof. Dr. J. Leo van Hemmen Technische Universität München 13/1/05-14/1/05 Locating Sound: A Theory to Explain Most of What We Sense
Dr. M. Mézard Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques, Université Paris-Sud 22/11/04 Phase transitions in optimization problems
Prof. Dr. H.M. Urbassek TU Kaiserslautern 19/11/04 Interaction of energetic particles with surfaces: insight from molecular-dynamic simulations (SFB)
Prof. Dr. Wolfhard Janke Universität Leipzig 10/11/04-11/11/04 Folding Lattice Proteins: Multicanonical Chain Growth and Exact Enumerations
Prof. Dr. Hans Georg Schuster Universität Kiel 9/11/04-10/11/04 Adaptation und Kontrolle in Komplexen Systemen
Dr. Frank Oliver Pfeiffer Universität des Saarlandes 3/11/04-4/11/04 Flat-to-superrough phase transition in the ground state of a solid-on-solid model - a numerical study
Dipl. Biol. Angelika Oppelt and Dr. York Winter Ludwig-Maximilian Universität München 23/8/04-25/8/04 (by Y. Winter) Ecological neurobiology of spatial memory in animals Part A and Part B.
Dr. Johannes J. Schneider Universität Mainz 21/7/04-22/7/04 Increasing the efficiency of physical optimization algorithms
Prof. Dr. Sigismund Kobe Technische Universität Dresden 16/6/04 Exact ground states of finite Ising spin glasses obtained by ''branch-and-bound''
Prof. Dr. Ulli Wolff Humboldt Universität Berlin 15/6/04 Solving Quantum Chromodynamics numerically overview and selected details
Dr. Matteo Palassini Universite Paris Sud 26/1/04-28/1/04 Spin glasses: insights from numerical studies (DYGLAGEMEM)
Dr. Thomas Prellberg Technische Universität Clausthal 12/1/04 A flat histogram stochastic growth algorithm
Dr. Jérôme Houdayer Service the Physique Théorique, CEA Saclay (France) 7/12/03-12/12/03 Low temperature behavior of 2d Ising spin glasses (DYGLAGEMEM)
Dr. Amin Coja-Oghlan Humbold Universität Berlin 13/11/03 Coloring of random graphs [Blackboard talk. Main results in this paper.]
Prof. Dr. Heiko Rieger Universität des Saarlandes 5/11/03-6/11/03 Strongly disordered quantum magnets
Prof. Dr. Rodolfo Cuerno Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 27/5/03-1/6/03 Instabilities and scale invariance in the growth of nanostructures: mesoscopic descriptions (SFB)
Dipl. Phys. Heiko Bauke Universität Magdeburg 8/5/03 Statistische Mechanik des Zahlenaufteilungsproblems
Prof. Dr. Barbara Drossel Technische Universität Darmstadt 24/4/03-25/4/03 Evidence for the droplet picture of spin glasses
Prof. Dr. Uwe Schöning Universität Ulm 19/2/03-20/2/03 Wettlauf um den schnellsten SAT Algorithmus
Dr. Helmut G. Katzgraber ETH Zürich 27/1/03-28/1/03 Probing the nature of the spin-glass state with Monte Carlo simulations

Alexander K. Hartmann, Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Göttingen, Germany
Last modified: Wed Jan 17 21:39:59 CET 2007